dgtwc ontology

Current version:
version 0.3.4
Other visualisation:
Ontology source


The ontology for RDF data published at http://logd.tw.rpi.edu.

Table of Content

  1. Classes
  2. Object Properties
  3. Data Properties
  4. Namespace Declarations


Data Filec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://data-gov.tw.rpi.edu/2009/data-gov-twc.rdf#Datafile

A data file physically storing the dataset in part or in whole. Subclass of foaf:document

DataEntryc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://data-gov.tw.rpi.edu/2009/data-gov-twc.rdf#DataEntry

An entry in a dataset, e.g. a row in a spreadsheet.

Datasetc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://data-gov.tw.rpi.edu/2009/data-gov-twc.rdf#Dataset

A dataset, e.g. a spreadsheet.

InstanceHubDatasetc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://data-gov.tw.rpi.edu/2009/data-gov-twc.rdf#InstanceHubDataset

A dataset created to serve as common URIs for a collection of datasets, where the common URIs are linked to other domains within the Linked Data Cloud.
has super-classes
link setc

Object Properties

complete raw dataop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://data-gov.tw.rpi.edu/2009/data-gov-twc.rdf#complete_data

the document contains complete raw data of the dataset

enhancement dataop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://data-gov.tw.rpi.edu/2009/data-gov-twc.rdf#more_data

the document contains additional value-added RDF data (not part of the raw data) that can enhance the raw dataset

importsop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://data-gov.tw.rpi.edu/2009/data-gov-twc.rdf#imports

this document imports the content of another document

link dataop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://data-gov.tw.rpi.edu/2009/data-gov-twc.rdf#link_data

the document contains links from the index to the partial raw data of a dataset

link data entry pointop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://data-gov.tw.rpi.edu/2009/data-gov-twc.rdf#linked_data_entry_point

the URI identifying the dataset. It is also the linked data entry point of the data, i.e. users can use linked data browser/crawler to retrieve the metadata, the raw data and the enhancement data of the dataset.

partop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://data-gov.tw.rpi.edu/2009/data-gov-twc.rdf#hasPart

one thing has another thing as a part, e.g. dataset A has dataset B as part when B is subset of A

has characteristics: transitive

is inverse of
part ofop

part ofop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://data-gov.tw.rpi.edu/2009/data-gov-twc.rdf#isPartOf

one thing is part of another thing, e.g. dataset B is part of dataset A when B is subset of A

has characteristics: transitive

is inverse of

partial dataop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://data-gov.tw.rpi.edu/2009/data-gov-twc.rdf#partial_data

the document contains partial raw data of a dataset

sparql endpointop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://data-gov.tw.rpi.edu/2009/data-gov-twc.rdf#sparql_endpoint

the SPARQL endpoint that hosts raw data of the dataset

uses propertyop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://data-gov.tw.rpi.edu/2009/data-gov-twc.rdf#uses_property

the property used by the raw dataset

Data Properties

abbreviationdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://data-gov.tw.rpi.edu/2009/data-gov-twc.rdf#abbreviation

abbreviation of an entity name
has range

codedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://data-gov.tw.rpi.edu/2009/data-gov-twc.rdf#code

alpha-numerical code of an entity
has range

number of bytesdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://data-gov.tw.rpi.edu/2009/data-gov-twc.rdf#number_of_bytes

number of bytes of a file
has range
non negative integer

number of datasetsdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://data-gov.tw.rpi.edu/2009/data-gov-twc.rdf#number_of_datasets

number of datasets related to something
has range
non negative integer

number of entriesdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://data-gov.tw.rpi.edu/2009/data-gov-twc.rdf#number_of_entries

number of entries in a dataset, e.g. number of rows in a spreadsheet
has range
non negative integer

number of propertiesdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://data-gov.tw.rpi.edu/2009/data-gov-twc.rdf#number_of_properties

number of properties used to describe data in a dataset, e.g. number of columns in a spreadsheet
has range
non negative integer

number of triplesdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://data-gov.tw.rpi.edu/2009/data-gov-twc.rdf#number_of_triples

number of triples contributed by a dataset (excluding its metadata)
has range
non negative integer

Namespace Declarations back to ToC

default namespace

This HTML document was obtained by processing the OWL ontology source code through LODE, Live OWL Documentation Environment, developed by Silvio Peroni.