DASH is a SHACL library for frequently needed features and design patterns. Almost all features in this library are 100% standards compliant and will work on any engine that fully supports SHACL.
URI | |
Description |
The class of possible values for dash:apiStatus. |
Super-classes |
rdfs:Resourcec |
In range of |
API status |
Members | |
URI | |
Description |
An platform (such as TopBraid) that may have features needed to execute, for example, SPARQL queries. |
Super-classes |
rdfs:Resourcec |
In domain of |
included execution platform |
In range of |
included execution platform required execution platform |
URI | |
Description |
A result representing a validation failure such as an unsupported recursion. |
Super-classes |
sh:AbstractResultc |
URI | |
Description |
Represents a failure of a test case. |
Super-classes |
Test case resultc |
URI | |
Description |
A suggestion consisting of added and/or deleted triples, represented as rdf:Statements via dash:addedTriple and dash:deletedTriple. |
Super-classes |
Suggestionc |
In domain of |
added triple deleted triple |
URI | |
Description |
A multi-function is a function that can return zero or more result objects consisting of one or more result variables. While normal (SPARQL/SHACL) functions can only return a single result node, multi-functions may not only return multiple nodes but even multiple individual variables per solution. A common way of defining multi-functions is by wrapping a SPARQL SELECT query, using dash:SPARQLMultiFunction. However, some MultiFunctions (in TopBraid) may also be implemented natively. |
Super-classes |
sh:Parameterizablec |
Sub-classes |
SPARQL multi-functionc |
URI | |
Description |
The class of roles that a property (shape) may take for its focus nodes. |
Super-classes |
rdfs:Resourcec |
Members | |
URI | |
Description |
Encapsulates one or more SPARQL CONSTRUCT queries that can be parameterized. Parameters will become pre-bound variables in the queries. |
Super-classes |
sh:Parameterizablec sh:SPARQLConstructExecutablec |
URI | |
Description |
A multi-function based on a SPARQL SELECT query. The query gets executed with the arguments pre-bound to the variables declared as parameters. The results of the multi-function are all result bindings from the SPARQL result set. |
Super-classes |
Multi-functionc sh:SPARQLSelectExecutablec |
URI | |
Description |
Encapsulates a SPARQL SELECT query that can be parameterized. Parameters will become pre-bound variables in the query. |
Super-classes |
sh:Parameterizablec sh:SPARQLSelectExecutablec |
URI | |
Description |
A SuggestionGenerator based on a SPARQL UPDATE query (sh:update), producing an instance of dash:GraphUpdate. The INSERTs become dash:addedTriple and the DELETEs become dash:deletedTriple. The WHERE clause operates on the data graph with the pre-bound variables $focusNode, $predicate and $value, as well as the other pre-bound variables for the parameters of the constraint. In many cases, there may be multiple possible suggestions to fix a problem. For example, with sh:maxLength there are many ways to slice a string. In those cases, the system will first iterate through the result variables from a SELECT query (sh:select) and apply these results as pre-bound variables into the UPDATE query. |
Super-classes |
sh:SPARQLUpdateExecutablec Suggestion generatorc sh:SPARQLSelectExecutablec |
URI | |
Description |
Script functions can be used from SPARQL queries and will be injected into the generated prefix object (in JavaScript, for ADS scripts). The dash:js will be inserted into a generated JavaScript function and therefore needs to use the return keyword to produce results. These JS snippets can access the parameter values based on the local name of the sh:Parameter's path. For example ex:value can be accessed using value. SPARQL use note: Since these functions may be used from any data graph and any shapes graph, they must not rely on any API apart from what's available in the shapes graph that holds the rdf:type triple of the function itself. In other words, at execution time from SPARQL, the ADS shapes graph will be the home graph of the function's declaration. |
Super-classes |
sh:Functionc |
URI | |
Description |
A shape script contains extra code that gets injected into the API for the associated node shape. In particular you can use this to define additional functions that operate on the current focus node (the this variable in JavaScript). |
Super-classes | |
URI | |
Description |
A result representing a successfully validated constraint. |
Super-classes |
sh:AbstractResultc |
URI | |
Description |
Represents a successful run of a test case. |
Super-classes |
Test case resultc |
URI | |
Description |
Base class of suggestions that modify a graph to "fix" the source of a validation result. |
Super-classes |
rdfs:Resourcec |
Sub-classes |
Graph updatec |
In domain of |
suggestion confidence suggestion |
In range of |
suggestion |
URI | |
Description |
Base class of objects that can generate suggestions (added or deleted triples) for a validation result of a given constraint component. |
Super-classes |
rdfs:Resourcec |
Sub-classes |
SPARQL UPDATE suggestion generatorc |
In range of |
suggestion generator property suggestion generator |
URI | |
Description |
Class of results that have been produced as suggestions, not through SHACL validation. How the actual results are produced is up to implementers. Each instance of this class should have values for sh:focusNode, sh:resultMessage, sh:resultSeverity (suggested default: sh:Info), and dash:suggestion to point at one or more suggestions. |
Super-classes |
sh:AbstractResultc |
URI | |
Description |
Base class for results produced by running test cases. |
Super-classes |
sh:AbstractResultc |
Sub-classes |
Success test case resultc Failure test case resultc |
URI | |
Description |
Abstract base class for test environments, holding information on how to set up a test case. |
Super-classes |
rdfs:Resourcec |
URI | |
Super-classes |
rdfs:Classc |
URI | |
Description |
Indicates that a class is "abstract" and cannot be used in asserted rdf:type triples. Only non-abstract subclasses of abstract classes should be instantiated directly. |
Domain(s) | rdfs:Classc |
Range(s) | xsd:booleanc |
URI | |
Description |
Links an Action with the ActionGroup that it should be arranged in. |
Domain(s) | |
Range(s) | |
URI | |
Description |
The (CSS) class of an Action for display purposes alongside the label. |
Domain(s) | |
Range(s) | xsd:stringc |
URI | |
Description |
May link a dash:GraphUpdate with one or more triples (represented as instances of rdf:Statement) that should be added to fix the source of the result. |
Domain(s) | Graph updatec |
Range(s) | rdf:Statementc |
URI | |
Description |
Defines how and whether the associated feature is part of an external API. APIs may be implemented as (REST) web services, via GraphQL or ADS Script APIs. |
Range(s) | |
URI | |
Description |
Can be used to state that a shape is applicable to instances of a given class. This is a softer statement than "target class": a target means that all instances of the class must conform to the shape. Being applicable to simply means that the shape may apply to (some) instances of the class. This information can be used by algorithms or humans. |
Domain(s) | sh:Shapec |
Range(s) | rdfs:Classc |
URI | |
Description |
If set to true then the results of the SHACL function can be cached in between invocations with the same arguments. In other words, they are stateless and do not depend on triples in any graph, or the current time stamp etc. |
Domain(s) | sh:Functionc |
Range(s) | xsd:booleanc |
URI | |
Description |
Specifies a property that must have a value whenever the property path has a value, and must have no value whenever the property path has no value. |
Range(s) | rdf:Propertyc |
URI | |
Description |
Can be used to indicate that a property/path represented by a property constraint represents a composite relationship. In a composite relationship, the life cycle of a "child" object (value of the property/path) depends on the "parent" object (focus node). If the parent gets deleted, then the child objects should be deleted, too. Tools may use dash:composite (if set to true) to implement cascading delete operations. |
Domain(s) | sh:PropertyShapec |
Range(s) | xsd:booleanc |
URI | |
Description |
Can be used to annotate a graph (usually the owl:Ontology) with the default language that tools should suggest for new literal values. For example, predominantly English graphs should have "en" as default language. |
Domain(s) | owl:Ontologyc |
Range(s) | xsd:stringc |
URI | |
Description |
Links a node shape with the roles for which it shall be used as default view. User interfaces can use these values to select how to present a given RDF resource. The values of this property are URIs representing a group of users or agents. There is a dedicated URI dash:all representing all users. |
Domain(s) | sh:NodeShapec |
URI | |
Description |
May link a dash:GraphUpdate result with one or more triples (represented as instances of rdf:Statement) that should be deleted to fix the source of the result. |
Domain(s) | Graph updatec |
Range(s) | rdf:Statementc |
URI | |
Description |
Can be used in dash:js node expressions to enumerate the predicates that the computation of the values may depend on. This can be used by clients to determine whether an edit requires re-computation of values on a form or elsewhere. For example, if the dash:js is something like "focusNode.firstName + focusNode.lastName" then the dependency predicates should be ex:firstName and ex:lastName. |
Range(s) | rdf:Propertyc |
URI | |
Description |
Can be used to link a SHACL property shape with the URL of a SPARQL endpoint that may contain further RDF triples for the value nodes delivered by the property. This can be used to inform a processor that it should switch to values from an external graph when the user wants to retrieve more information about a value. This property should be regarded as an "annotation", i.e. it does not have any impact on validation or other built-in SHACL features. However, selected tools may want to use this information. One implementation strategy would be to periodically fetch the values specified by the sh:node or sh:class shape associated with the property, using the property shapes in that shape, and add the resulting triples into the main query graph. An example value is "". |
URI | |
Description |
Can be used to link a SHACL property shape with a SHACL node expression that produces the URIs of one or more graphs that contain further RDF triples for the value nodes delivered by the property. This can be used to inform a processor that it should switch to another data graph when the user wants to retrieve more information about a value. The node expressions are evaluated with the focus node as input. (It is unclear whether there are also cases where the result may be different for each specific value, in which case the node expression would need a second input argument). This property should be regarded as an "annotation", i.e. it does not have any impact on validation or other built-in SHACL features. However, selected tools may want to use this information. |
URI | |
Description |
Can be used to link a property shape with an editor, to state a preferred editing widget in user interfaces. |
Domain(s) | sh:PropertyShapec |
Range(s) | |
URI | |
Description |
The expected result(s) of a test case. The value range of this property is different for each kind of test cases. |
Domain(s) | |
URI | |
Description |
A flag to indicate that the expected result represents a JSON string. If set to true, then tests would compare JSON structures (regardless of whitespaces) instead of actual syntax. |
Range(s) | xsd:booleanc |
URI | |
Description |
A flag to indicate that the expected result represents an RDF graph encoded as a Turtle file. If set to true, then tests would compare graphs instead of actual syntax. |
Domain(s) | |
Range(s) | xsd:booleanc |
URI | |
Description |
Can be used to mark that certain validation results have already been fixed. |
Domain(s) | sh:ValidationResultc |
Range(s) | xsd:booleanc |
URI | |
Description |
Specifies a constraint that at least one of the value nodes must be a member of the given list. |
Range(s) | rdf:Listc |
URI | |
Description |
Specifies a constraint that at least one of the value nodes must be an instance of a given class. |
Range(s) | rdfs:Classc |
URI | |
Description |
The height. |
Range(s) | xsd:integerc |
URI | |
Description |
Can be used to state that one (subject) execution platform includes all features of another platform (object). |
Domain(s) | Execution platformc |
Range(s) | |
URI | |
Range(s) | xsd:integerc |
URI | |
Domain(s) | sh:PropertyShapec |
Range(s) | xsd:booleanc |
URI | |
Description |
The JavaScript source code of a Script. |
Domain(s) | |
Range(s) | xsd:stringc |
URI | |
Description |
Can be set to true for those constraint components where the validation does not require to visit any other triples than the shape definitions and the direct property values of the focus node mentioned in the property constraints. Examples of this include sh:minCount and sh:hasValue. Constraint components that are marked as such can be optimized by engines, e.g. they can be evaluated client-side at form submission time, without having to make a round-trip to a server, assuming the client has downloaded a complete snapshot of the resource. Any component marked with dash:staticConstraint is also a dash:localConstraint. |
Domain(s) | sh:ConstraintComponentc |
Range(s) | xsd:booleanc |
URI | |
Description |
For file-typed properties, this can be used to specify the expected/allowed mime types of its values. This can be used, for example, to limit file input boxes or file selectors. If multiple values are allowed then they need to be separated by commas. Example values are listed at |
Domain(s) | sh:PropertyShapec |
Range(s) | xsd:stringc |
URI | |
Description |
If set to true at a property shape then any sh:values rules of this property will be ignored when 'all inferences' are computed. This is useful for property values that shall only be computed for individual focus nodes (e.g. when a user visits a resource) but not for large inference runs. |
Domain(s) | sh:PropertyShapec |
Range(s) | xsd:booleanc |
URI | |
Description |
If set to true for a ScriptConstraint or ScriptValidator, then the associated script will receive all value nodes at once, as a value of the variable values. By default (or false), the script is called for each value node individually. |
Range(s) | xsd:booleanc |
URI | |
Description |
Links the constraint component with instances of dash:SuggestionGenerator that may be used to produce suggestions for a given validation result that was produced by a property constraint. |
Domain(s) | sh:ConstraintComponentc |
Range(s) | |
URI | |
Description |
Used as a hint for user interfaces that values of the associated property should not be editable. The values of this may be the boolean literals true or false or, more generally, a SHACL node expression that must evaluate to true or false. |
Domain(s) | sh:PropertyShapec |
URI | |
Description |
Can be used to specify the node shape that may be applied to reified statements produced by a property shape. The property shape must have a URI resource as its sh:path. The values of this property must be node shapes. User interfaces can use this information to determine which properties to present to users when reified statements are explored or edited. Use dash:None to indicate that no reification should be permitted. |
Domain(s) | sh:PropertyShapec |
Range(s) | sh:NodeShapec |
URI | |
Description |
Links a SPARQL executable with the platforms that it can be executed on. This can be used by a SHACL implementation to determine whether a constraint validator or rule shall be ignored based on the current platform. For example, if a SPARQL query uses a function or magic property that is only available in TopBraid then a non-TopBraid platform can ignore the constraint (or simply always return no validation results). If this property has no value then the assumption is that the execution will succeed. As soon as one value exists, the assumption is that the engine supports at least one of the given platforms. |
Domain(s) | sh:SPARQLExecutablec |
Range(s) | |
URI | |
Description |
Links a class with the Resource Actions that can be applied to instances of that class. |
Domain(s) | rdfs:Classc |
Range(s) | |
URI | |
Description |
States that a subject resource has a given shape. This property can, for example, be used to capture results of SHACL validation on static data. |
Range(s) | sh:Shapec |
URI | |
Domain(s) | sh:NodeShapec |
URI | |
Range(s) | xsd:booleanc |
URI | |
Description |
Can be set to true for those constraint components where the validation does not require to visit any other triples than the parameters. Examples of this include sh:datatype or sh:nodeKind, where no further triples need to be queried to determine the result. Constraint components that are marked as such can be optimized by engines, e.g. they can be evaluated client-side at form submission time, without having to make a round-trip to a server. |
Domain(s) | sh:ConstraintComponentc |
Range(s) | xsd:booleanc |
URI | |
Description |
Specifies a string value that the IRI of the value nodes must start with. |
Range(s) | xsd:stringc |
URI | |
Description |
Can be used to link a result with one or more suggestions on how to address or improve the underlying issue. |
Domain(s) | sh:AbstractResultc |
Range(s) | |
URI | |
Description |
An optional confidence between 0% and 100%. Suggestions with 100% confidence are strongly recommended. Can be used to sort recommended updates. |
Domain(s) | Suggestionc |
Range(s) | xsd:decimalc |
URI | |
Description |
Links a sh:SPARQLConstraint or sh:JSConstraint with instances of dash:SuggestionGenerator that may be used to produce suggestions for a given validation result that was produced by the constraint. |
Range(s) | |
URI | |
Description |
Can be used to link a suggestion with the group identifier to which it belongs. By default this is a link to the dash:SuggestionGenerator, but in principle this could be any value. |
Domain(s) | Suggestionc |
URI | |
Description |
True to declare that the associated property path is symmetric. |
URI | |
Description |
True to also validate the shapes itself (i.e. parameter declarations). |
Domain(s) | |
Range(s) | xsd:booleanc |
URI | |
Description |
Can be used to link a property shape with a viewer, to state a preferred viewing widget in user interfaces. |
Domain(s) | sh:PropertyShapec |
Range(s) | |
URI | |
Description |
The width. |
Range(s) | xsd:integerc |
URI | |
Description |
The x position. |
Range(s) | xsd:integerc |
URI | |
Description |
The y position. |
Range(s) | xsd:integerc |
c | Classes |
op | Object Properties |
fp | Functional Properties |
dp | Data Properties |
dp | Annotation Properties |
p | Properties |
ni | Named Individuals |