A vocabulary to model context-aware presentation knowledge for RDF User Interfaces.
IRI: http://ns.inria.fr/prissma/v2#Context
The Context class is represents the mobile context and is equivalent to a fresnel:Purpose
IRI: http://ns.inria.fr/prissma/v2#Device
The Device represents the mobile device on which Web of Data resource consumption takes place. It enables device-specific data representation. It is equivalent to the Device class of the delivery context ontology
IRI: http://ns.inria.fr/prissma/v2#Environment
The class Environment models the user context in which the resource consumption takes place, therefore enabling customized resource presentation according to specific situations.
IRI: http://ns.inria.fr/prissma/v2#POI
The class models a Point of Interest (POI) and consists in a simplified version of W3C Point of Interest Core specifications. POIs are defined as entities that "describe information about locations such as name, category, unique identifier, or civic address".
IRI: http://ns.inria.fr/prissma/v2#poiLabel
Associates an identifying resource to a POI (e.g. a given monument, a specific restaurant, etc.)
IRI: http://ns.inria.fr/prissma/v2#Prism
Wrapper class for describing the contextual conditions under which a given RDF presentation must be activated.
IRI: http://ns.inria.fr/prissma/v2#User
Represents the target mobile user associated to a prissma:Context. To provide more flexibility, the class can be used to model both user stereotypes and specific users, according to the designer needs. The class is equivalent to foaf:Person
IRI: http://ns.inria.fr/prissma/v2#currentPOI
The property associates a POI to a prissma:Environment
IRI: http://ns.inria.fr/prissma/v2#device
The property associates a Device to a Purpose
IRI: http://ns.inria.fr/prissma/v2#environment
The property associates an Environment to a Purpose
IRI: http://ns.inria.fr/prissma/v2#nearbyEntity
The environmental proximity of a generic real-world entity can trigger different resource representations. The property is therefore used to associate nearby objects to the Environment model.
IRI: http://ns.inria.fr/prissma/v2#user
The property associates a User to a Purpose
IRI: http://ns.inria.fr/prissma/v2#radius
Specifies the geographic extension of a POI. Value is expressed in metres.
IRI: http://dbpedia.org/resource/National_Institute_for_Research_in_Computer_Science_and_Control
IRI: http://ns.inria.fr/prissma/v2#motion
Associates any given high-level representation of motion to a prissma:Environment
IRI: http://ns.inria.fr/prissma/v2#poiCategory
Associates a category to a POI (e.g. monument, restaurant, etc.)
IRI: http://ns.inria.fr/prissma/v2#poiLabel
Associates an identifying resource to a POI (e.g. a given monument, a specific restaurant, etc.)
IRI: http://www.w3.org/2003/06/sw-vocab-status/ns#term_status
This HTML document was obtained by processing the OWL ontology source code through LODE, Live OWL Documentation Environment, developed by Silvio Peroni.
The Activity class consists in a placemark aimed at modeling a high-level representation of an user action, such as 'running', 'driving', 'working', 'shopping', etc.