ELSEWeb Data Ontology

Version IRI:
Current version:
ELSEWeb team
Natalia Villanueva-Rosales
Nicholas del Rio
Contributors are those that engage in discussions during the development of this ontology (in alphabetical order): karl benedict luis garnica cj grady bill hudspeth deana pennington soren scott aimee stewart
Other visualisation:
Ontology source

Table of Content

  1. Introduction
  2. Classes
  3. Object Properties
  4. Data Properties
  5. Named Individuals
  6. Annotation Properties
  7. Namespace Declarations


The ELSEWeb Data ontology provides simple classes for describing datasets. This project provides foundational support for the ELSEWeb project(http://elseweb.cybershare.utep.edu/). website: http://elseweb.cybershare.utep.edu/ontologies email: nvillanuevarosales@utep.edu


bandc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#Band

A band is one component of a multi-characteristic dataset.
is equivalent to
has band identificationop some band identificationc
has sub-classes
data bandc
is in domain of
has band identificationop

band identificationc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#BandIdentification

is equivalent to
has band namedp some literal
is in domain of
has band namedp
is in range of
has band identificationop

boxed geographic regionc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#BoxedGeographicRegion

A geographic region that is specified by left longitude, lower latitude, right longitude and upper latitude.
is equivalent to
(has left longitudedp some double) and (has lower latitudedp some double) and (has right longitudedp some double) and (has upper latitudedp some double)
has super-classes
geographic regionc
is in domain of
has left longitudedp, has lower latitudedp, has right longitudedp, has upper latitudedp

characteristicc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#Characteristic

is in range of
captures characteristicop

complexed derived unitc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#ComplexDerivedUnit

A unit that is calculated from defined operations.
has super-classes

container formatc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#ContainerFormat

Describes how the data and metadata are included in a file.
is equivalent to
has payload formatop exactly 1 payload formatc
has super-classes
is in domain of
has payload formatop

data bandc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#DataBand

is equivalent to
(captures characteristicop exactly 1 characteristicc) and (has unitsop exactly 1 unitc) and (represents entityop exactly 1 entityc) and (has maximum valuedp exactly 1) and (has minimum valuedp exactly 1) and (has no data valuedp exactly 1) and (has resolutiondp exactly 1)
has super-classes
is in domain of
captures characteristicop, has maximum valuedp, has minimum valuedp, has no data valuedp, has resolutiondp, has unitsop, represents entityop
is in range of
has data bandop

dataset manifestationc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#DatasetManifestation

A dataset manifestation, that follows the description of a DCAT Distribution, provides the information to retrieve a dataset, including the fomat, endpoint, etc.
has sub-classes
file manifestationc, service manifestationc
is in domain of
enconded in formatop
is in range of
has manifestationop

datec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#Date

is equivalent to
has date timedp exactly 1
has super-classes
is in domain of
has date timedp
is in range of
has end dateop, has start dateop

date rangec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#DateRange

Time period defined by an start and end date.
is equivalent to
(has end dateop exactly 1 datec) and (has start dateop exactly 1 datec)
has super-classes
is in domain of
has end dateop, has start dateop

durationc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#Duration

Time period defined by a start and end time.
has super-classes
time periodc
has sub-classes
date rangec

entityc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#Entity

Following the definition of OBOE and SIO, an entity denotes a concrete or conceptual object that has been observed (e.g., a tree, a community, an ecological process).
is in range of
represents entityop

feature setc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#FeatureSet

A set of geometric features or characteristics observed from an entity. This class is equivalent to the notion of an ArcGIS feature
is equivalent to
represents entityop some entityc
is in range of
contains feature setop

file manifestationc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#FileManifestation

A file manifestation provides the information required to retrieve a file over the web, including the format and the URL where the file is available.
is equivalent to
(enconded in formatop exactly 1 formatc) and (has landing page urldp some literal) and (has file download urldp exactly 1)
has super-classes
dataset manifestationc
has sub-classes
ogc response manifestationc
is in domain of
has file download urldp, has landing page urldp

formatc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#Format

The arrangement of data for computer input or output.
has sub-classes
container formatc, metadata formatc, payload formatc
is in range of
enconded in formatop

geographic regionc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#GeographicRegion

has sub-classes
boxed geographic regionc, named geographic regionc
is in range of
covers regionop

geospatial datasetc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#GeospatialDataset

A geospatial dataset contains data that covers a specified geographic region and specifies how a measured characteristic varies across that region, for a specific date range. It has a specific manifestation, a theme, and a geospatial projection
is equivalent to
(covers regionop some boxed geographic regionc) and (has manifestationop some dataset manifestationc) and (has themeop some themec) and (covers time periodop exactly 1 date rangec) and (has geospatial projectionop exactly 1 projectionc)
has sub-classes
raster datasetc, vector datasetc
is in domain of
covers regionop, covers time periodop, has geospatial projectionop, has manifestationop, has themeop

instantc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#Instant

has super-classes
time periodc
has sub-classes

layerc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#Layer

A layer is a set of environmental information quantifying the value of a single characteristic through space, used to compose a climate scenario to generate a model.
is equivalent to
contains feature setop some feature setc
is in domain of
contains feature setop
is in range of
has layerop

metadata formatc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#MetadataFormat

Describes the format of the metadata included in a file.
has super-classes
has members

named geographic regionc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#NamedGeographicRegion

A geographic region specified by a name.
has super-classes
geographic regionc

OGC service manifestationc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#OGCServiceManifestation

Provides information about a service that can be executed over the web using OGC standards, including the URL where the service is located.
is equivalent to
has capabilities document urldp some literal
has super-classes
service manifestationc
has sub-classes
wcs service manifestationc, wfs service manifestationc
is in domain of
has capabilities document urldp

ogc response manifestationc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#OGCResponseManifestation

Provides information about a file that is returned from a web service using OGC standards, including the container format.
is equivalent to
enconded in formatop exactly 1 container formatc
has super-classes
file manifestationc
has sub-classes
wcs response manifestationc, wfs response manifestationc

payload formatc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#PayloadFormat

has super-classes
is in range of
has payload formatop
has members
csvni, esri gridni, esri shapefileni, geo t i f fni, gifni, hdf5ni, jpegni, pngni, tiffni, vnd.wap.wbmpni

projectionc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#Projection

Processing of datasets, where a set of rules generated by a model are applied onto a climate scenario of related environmental layers.
is equivalent to
has epsg codedp exactly 1
is in domain of
has epsg codedp
is in range of
has geospatial projectionop

raster datasetc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#RasterDataset

A raster dataset is a geospatial dataset that organizes information as the value of a single characteristic at every location in space, such as temperature. Multiple raster datasets can be combined into a single dataset as bands of information.
is equivalent to
has data bandop some data bandc
has super-classes
geospatial datasetc
has sub-classes
wcs raster datasetc, wcs raster responsec
is in domain of
has data bandop

service manifestationc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#ServiceManifestation

A service manifestation provides the information required to execute a service over the web. In particular, a service that will return a dataset.
has super-classes
dataset manifestationc
has sub-classes
OGC service manifestationc

themec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#Theme

Metadata describing the information captured in a dataset.

time periodc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#TimePeriod

has sub-classes
durationc, instantc
is in range of
covers time periodop

unitc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#Unit

A subclass of SIO's class unit of measurement. A unit is a a definite magnitude of a physical quantity.
has sub-classes
complexed derived unitc
is in range of
has unitsop

vector datasetc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#VectorDataset

is equivalent to
has layerop some layerc
has super-classes
geospatial datasetc
has sub-classes
wfs vector datasetc, wfs vector responsec
is in domain of
has layerop

wcs raster datasetc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#WCSDataset

A WCS raster dataset is composed by all possible datasets provided by a WCS service manifestation depending on the parameters set in a service call.
is equivalent to
has manifestationop some wcs service manifestationc
has super-classes
raster datasetc

wcs raster responsec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#WCSResponse

A specific raster dataset returned by calling a WCS service with specific parameters.
is equivalent to
has manifestationop some wcs response manifestationc
has super-classes
raster datasetc

wcs response manifestationc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#WCSResponseManifestation

Provides information about the file that is returned by a Web coverage service, including the format.
has super-classes
ogc response manifestationc

wcs service manifestationc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#WCSManifestation

A WCS service, located in a specific URL, that will return a dataset.
has super-classes
OGC service manifestationc

wfs response manifestationc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#WFSResponseManifestation

Provides information about the file that is returned by a Web coverage service, including the format.
has super-classes
ogc response manifestationc

wfs service manifestationc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#WFSManifestation

A WCS service, located in a specific URL, that will return a dataset.
has super-classes
OGC service manifestationc

wfs vector datasetc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#WFSDataset

is equivalent to
has manifestationop some wfs service manifestationc
has super-classes
vector datasetc

wfs vector responsec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#WFSResponse

is equivalent to
has manifestationop some wfs response manifestationc
has super-classes
vector datasetc

Object Properties

captures characteristicop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#capturesCharacteristic

has domain
data bandc
has range

contains feature setop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#containsFeatureSet

has domain
has range
feature setc

covers regionop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#coversRegion

covers time periodop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#coversTimePeriod

has domain
geospatial datasetc
has range
time periodc

enconded in formatop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#encodedInFormat

has domain
dataset manifestationc
has range

has band identificationop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#hasBandIdentification

has domain
has range
band identificationc

has data bandop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#hasDataBand

has domain
raster datasetc
has range
data bandc

has dateop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#hasDate

has sub-properties
has end dateop, has start dateop

has end dateop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#hasEndDate

has super-properties
has dateop
has domain
date rangec
has range

has geospatial projectionop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#hasGeospatialProjection

has domain
geospatial datasetc
has range

has layerop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#hasLayer

has domain
vector datasetc
has range

has manifestationop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#hasManifestation

has payload formatop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#hasPayloadFormat

has domain
container formatc
has range
payload formatc

has start dateop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#hasStartDate

has super-properties
has dateop
has domain
date rangec
has range

has themeop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#hasTheme

has unitsop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#hasUnits

has domain
data bandc
has range

represents entityop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#representsEntity

has domain
data bandc
has range

Data Properties

has band namedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#hasBandName

has domain
band identificationc
has range

has capabilities document urldp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#hasCapabilitiesDocumentURL

has domain
OGC service manifestationc
has range

has date timedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#hasDateTime

has domain
has range
date time

has epsg codedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#hasEPSGCode

has domain
has range

has file download urldp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#hasFileDownloadURL

has domain
file manifestationc
has range

has landing page urldp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#hasLandingPageURL

has domain
file manifestationc
has range

has latitudedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#hasLatitude

has left longitudedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#hasLeftLongitude

has super-properties
has latitudedp
has domain
boxed geographic regionc
has range

has longitudedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#hasLongitude

has sub-properties
has lower latitudedp, has upper latitudedp

has lower latitudedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#hasLowerLatitude

has super-properties
has longitudedp
has domain
boxed geographic regionc
has range

has maximum valuedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#hasMaximumValue

has domain
data bandc
has range

has minimum valuedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#hasMinimumValue

has domain
data bandc
has range

has no data valuedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#hasNoDataValue

has domain
data bandc
has range

has resolutiondp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#hasResolution

has domain
data bandc
has range

has right longitudedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#hasRightLongitude

has super-properties
has latitudedp
has domain
boxed geographic regionc
has range

has upper latitudedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#hasUpperLatitude

has super-properties
has longitudedp
has domain
boxed geographic regionc
has range

Named Individuals

csvni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://provenanceweb.org/format/mime/text/csv

belongs to
payload formatc

esri gridni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#esri-grid

belongs to
payload formatc

esri shapefileni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#esri-shapefile

belongs to
payload formatc

geo t i f fni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#GeoTIFF

belongs to
payload formatc

gifni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://provenanceweb.org/format/mime/image/gif

belongs to
payload formatc

hdf5ni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#hdf5

belongs to
payload formatc

jpegni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://provenanceweb.org/format/mime/image/jpeg

belongs to
payload formatc

pngni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://provenanceweb.org/format/mime/image/png

belongs to
payload formatc

tiffni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://provenanceweb.org/format/mime/image/tiff

belongs to
payload formatc

tiff containerni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://ontology.cybershare.utep.edu/ELSEWeb/elseweb-data.owl#tiff-container

has facts
has payload formatop tiff

vnd.wap.wbmpni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://provenanceweb.org/format/mime/image/vnd.wap.wbmp

belongs to
payload formatc

xmlni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://provenanceweb.org/format/mime/text/xml

belongs to
metadata formatc

Annotation Properties

commentap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://semanticscience.org/resource/comment

exampleap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://semanticscience.org/resource/example

Namespace Declarations back to ToC

default namespace

This HTML document was obtained by processing the OWL ontology source code through LODE, Live OWL Documentation Environment, developed by Silvio Peroni.